Company Of Heroes 2 - Ardennes Assault: Fox Company Rangers Download Install
About This Content The original game Company of Heroes 2: Ardennes Assault is required to play the contents of the Fox Company Rangers DLC.Deploy RangerCalls in a squad of Rangers to be deployed to the battlefield. Rangers are an elite unit trained in all aspects of combat, such a marksmanship and demolitions.UpgradesRecon TrainingRangers are better trained in reconnaissance tactics, increasing the line of sight of the squad.Survival TrainingRangers are better trained in field combat tactics, making them better at evading damage.Add BazookasRangers are equipped with two bazookas, increasing their capability to destroy vehicle.Pilfered EquipmentThe Rangers replace their Bazookas with captured Panzerschecks and Bundled Grenades, which are more effective.Cost Reduction IReduces the cost of deploying Rangers.Cost Reduction IIFurther reduces the cost of deploying Rangers.Company RequisitionCommand releases additional support, providing additional manpower.UpgradesFast DeploymentFor a brief period, infantry squads and reinforcements can be dispatched to the field much faster.Free ReinforcementsWhile the ability is active, infantry squads can be reinforced with no manpower cost.Additional Support ICompany command provides an additional 150 manpower.Additional Support IICompany command provides an additional 150 manpower.Cost Reduction IReduces the cost of activating Company Requisition.Cost Reduction IIFurther reduces the cost of activating Company Requisition.M83 Cluster BombsScatters a number of M83 Cluster Bombs across the target area. Each bomb has an anti-handling device, making them act like mines.UpgradesHigh Density ExplosiveThe cluster bombs are packed with high density explosive increasing the area of the blast.Anti-Vehicle Cluster BombsLarger ordnance in the cluster bombs makes them more effective against vehicles.Larger Drop AreaMore Cluster bombs are dispersed over larger target area.Impact DetonationYou can choose to use m129 fuses, causing the cluster bombs to detonate on impact.Cost Reduction IReduces the cost of dropping M83 Cluster Bombs.Cost Reduction IIFurther reduces the cost of dropping M83 Cluster Bombs.Pinpoint ArtilleryA small artillery support battery fires a pre-ranged round very accurately at the designated target.UpgradesNo WarningWith the help of additional spotters, the artillery battery no longer will use ranging smoke and is better able to surprise enemy targets.Larger Caliber ShellThe artillery battery fires a larger 155mm shell at the target, increasing the blast radiusQuick ResponseReduces the time it takes for the artillery battery to fire at the designated target.Designated BatteryA battery is attached to the company, allowing unlimited access to artillery support. Reduces the ability cost and removes the ability cooldown.Cost Reduction IReduces the cost of calling in Pinpoint Artillery.Cost Reduction IIFurther reduces the cost of calling in Pinpoint Artillery. 1075eedd30 Title: Company of Heroes 2 - Ardennes Assault: Fox Company RangersGenre: StrategyDeveloper:Relic Entertainment, Feral Interactive (Mac), Feral Interactive (Linux)Publisher:SEGA, Feral Interactive (Mac), Feral Interactive (Linux)Release Date: 17 Nov, 2014 Company Of Heroes 2 - Ardennes Assault: Fox Company Rangers Download Install it's \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665t that you even have to buy this. I just spent 5 dollars to tell people not to buy this.. to be good at the game you have to buy to many add on's. This game will cost you a ton of money to play, its a shame.. Fox Company Ranger so badass~~!!! wicked. WATCH OUT! You can get this without having the "Ardennes Assault", but you CANT play it.And thats the reason why I dont know what to say about this: I got this from a bundle\/promotion, yet it didnt contain the its "main" DLC.I cant recommend it... mostly because a DLC of an expensive DLC is just one giant money grabbing step too far for me. WATCH OUT! You can get this without having the "Ardennes Assault", but you CANT play it.And thats the reason why I dont know what to say about this: I got this from a bundle\/promotion, yet it didnt contain the its "main" DLC.I cant recommend it... mostly because a DLC of an expensive DLC is just one giant money grabbing step too far for me